The shooting of nine people in the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston South Carolina yesterday rises some questions: Are the people arrested, who gave that man access to a weapon? Why wasn’t he taken into treatment earlier? Is he a terrorist?

He is certainly mentally unstable or ill and giving such person access to lethal force or motivate him to act violently is a crime. An why is it a crime, because it makes those other persons responsible for the outcome. The culprit should be taken into a psych ward forever and the people assisting him by telling him criminogenic tales or giving him a gun and ammunition must be judged for voluntary manslaughter in nine cases.

It is not only contributory negligence, because he isn’t a sane person. All these people denying background checks to happen, generating a feel of racism and hate, adding fuel to the flames, selling guns uncontrolled, or making it possible by political decisions, they are responsible.

And I think that would be a long list of people involved, including some appearing on the internet, on television and other broadcasts on a regular base.

And each society has to develop procedures to spot these people who are a risk for their fellow human beings, and do not decline to do something. I am speaking of the terrorist and those creating an atmosphere of hatred and discrimination.

And yes, this person is a terrorist. In either case, if sane or not, he spreads terror and that, and only that, makes a criminal a terrorist.

steel metallic copper shoot
Photo by Karolina Grabowska,
Update 20.06.2015

[Video nicht mehr verfügbar]

This is a statement by Todd Rutherford, a colleague and friend of the murdered pastor. He is the Democrat minority leader in the state parliament of South Carolina. The murdered Senator Clementa Pinckney was member of his fraction. Todd gives media such as Fox News responsibility for the event, their racist implications deny the non-white population humanity using coded language of the racist scene. He accuses the government in South Carolina to make questionable decisions, such as hoisting the flag of the Confederacy, the slaveholders, or the waiver of Hate-speech laws, and therefore the creation of a climate of permanent discrimination.

Update 01.05.2021

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Bildhinweis Cover: Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church by Spencer Means (flickr-hunky punk, licensed freely on June, 19th 2015)